Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Many iPhone 13,12,X, SE , iPad etc users are not able to upload multiple photos on the Facebook. Multiple Facebook photo is not working and fails and show the error “Unsupported Option Share sheet extension currently doesn’t support posting a…
Many iPhone 13 / 12Pro max users are facing issue with the side volume buttons of iPhone that the side volume buttons are not working on the iPhone. The issue is also seen on latest iOS 15.4 as well. Sometime…
After updating to latest aMany MacBook users are facing issue while adding tags to a photo. It was working with macOS BigSur , but after updating the macOS to latest Monterey update, it is showing error code 8076. The error…
In the latest iOS update new feature are added by Apple and now the iPhone owners will be notified if they leave behind their AirTag, AirPods or other Gadgets. But many iPhone users are reporting that this issue is bugged…