iPhone Users Struggle with Autocorrect Glitches in iOS 18


The iPhone 15, 14 had been used by the user for many years without issues until the upgrade to iOS 18. Since the upgrade, autocorrect has been described as debilitating by iPhone users . As per iOS 18 users the iPhone Dictation has been resorted to, as typing simple messages is now taking about 10 minutes.

iPhone Users Struggle with Autocorrect Glitches in iOS 18

Words ending in ‘s’ are being autocorrected incorrectly, such as “jobs” being changed to “job a,” with every word ending in ‘s’ being appended with an ‘a’ for no clear reason. Previously, contractions typed without apostrophes were corrected automatically, but now phrases like “whats” are changed to “what a,” and other similar mistakes occur, such as “didnt” being altered to “did my.”

Correct words are being changed to incorrect ones, such as “our” to “out” and “come” to “coke.” Other unpredictable changes have been observed, like “ask” being changed to “as k,” “today” to “to day,” and “called” to “call ed,” among others. These errors have been noticed frequently, with only a small portion of examples identified within a short period.

While other iPhone 14 user reported that The bilingual keyboards do not work with iOS 18.


Meanwhile the only solution to fix the issue is  to manually go to settings>keyboards>auto correction OFF. But this is not acceptable as this will turn off all autocorrects.

For now there are no updates from Apple on the issue, but it is recommended to report the issue to apple to get permanent fix.

Visit the official Apple Feedback page: Apple Feedback.

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