iOS 17 Sharing Call history between Multiple devices/iPhone [Solve]


The recent Apple iOS 17 updates seems to have issue with sharing the Call history between multiple devices managed with same Apple ID. Earlier in iOS 16 if on your primary device you have turned off the iCloud settings (iCloud → contacts turned off), then the call history was not synching across the Apple devices. [Source 1, 2]

But now, after updating to iOS 17, iPhone users are reporting that call history is synching between 2 devices with same Apple ID. The call history synch works even when iCloud Drive is turned off. The call log share issue after iOS 17 is seen on iPhone 15, 14,13,12,11, iPad, MacBook etc.

why iOS 17 call history is shared between Apple devices

This is a big issue for iPhone user, having two phones for work and personal. All the call history of Work and personal are getting synched and mixed up. Which is quite annoying as the setting to turn off the call history synch on iCloud is not working on iOS 17.

Why all call logs are shared between devices and how to identify calls on iPhone:

In iOS 17 the call history is by default shared between devices having the same Apple ID, and this seems to be an intentional feature. To identify which calls are made from the device, you can check the initials in call log. The incoming calls for the device at hand have the initial of the line that the calls were made on, while calls that were received on the other device have no such initial.


How to stop Call log sharing on Apple devices after iOS 17 ?

The iOS 17 iCloud call history sharing seems to be an issue as the iPhone users are not able to turn it off and to fix it we have listed some possible fix and workaround, as mentioned below:

Turn off Phone iCloud sync:

To turn Call History share on multiple Apple devices  after IOS 17 update, you should also turn off “Phone”.  Go to – iPhone Settings – Apple ID – iCloud – Show All – scroll down to “Phone” and turn off toggle. This seems to fix the issue for many iPhone users who were facing call sync issue in iOS 17.

stop call sharing on iOS 17

Turn OFF FaceTime

In iOS 17 turning OFF the Facetime setting also appear to solve the call history always syncing  issue on iPhone. Go to Settings -> facetime -> turn off people can contact you on all devices or Turn off the FaceTime completely. The workaround seem to stops normal calls showing up in all call histories from synched multiple Apple devices.

Sign-out and Sign in to iCloud :

If you are unable to turn off call history sharing on the iPhone after iOS 17, then this could be due to some glitch in your iCloud account settings. To fix that logout from the iCloud account on all devise and reboot all devices. Log in back again and check if this fixes the issue.


Use different Apple ID

If none of above solution helped to stop sharing the call logs on iOS 17 then as a final solution you will have to use a different Apple ID for different iPhones until the issue is fixed by Apple.

Also make sure to update all Apple devices to latest version available to get lates bug fixes. You can also submit feedback to Apple about this issue. Hope this article helps to fix the issue .

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