Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Recently many users are reporting issue that the Instagram won’t let me log and keeps on saying “Sorry can’t login now”. While trying to open Instagram and it immediately logged out of my main account. usually this is happening with the users having multiple account under one emailID. But the issue is happening with only one of the account.
If you are also facing issue with Instagram login not working then this could be due to you are using an account on both PC and mobile. For now the instagram won’t let you login from PC and mobile same time.
Please make sure to logout from the PC and wait for some times. After few minutes try logging into Instagram from mobile. If it still does not work then try to close the browser of PC where you had opened the Instagram page.
Hope this works, let us know in comment section.