How long It takes to Show NFO allotment on Zerodha Coin Holding ?


If you have applied for an NFO on any brokerage firm like Zerodha coin, Grow, Angel Broking etc, then you might be wording about not able to see the NFO mutual fund allotment in your Holdings.

How long It takes to Show NFO allotment on Zerodha Coin Holding ?

Even after the NFO is scheme closed date is passed but still if you are not able to see the NFO allotment then this could be due to various reasons. One common reason is failed payment while approving NFO application. If you are sure about the payment deduction then this could be issue at broker end.


Usually the NFO allotment is expected to shown after the scheme closure date

How long It takes to Show NFO allotment on Dmat account Holding ?

How long It takes to Show NFO allotment on Zerodha Coin Holding ?

The allotment is done after the NFO scheme close date but it will be shown in the Holding account after 5-7 days, depending upon broker


For example, If you have applied NFO on Zerodha Kite then it may take up to 5 working day to show mutual fund allotment to your d-mat account. If you are not able see the allotment even after 5 days then you should contact your broker through email or customer care number.

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