How to fix Starfield stuck In slow Time Bug “jet pack assault time slow”.


Many Starfield users are reporting issue “starfield slow time bug” with time slow power and the jet pack assault time slow that it never ends and the user are stuck in the slow motion, also weapons only ever fire once and permanently jam.   The Phased time power bug never ends in the Game and also makes to Gun jam.

This is really weird bug in the Starfield and  due to slow time  bug the guns won’t fire normally but if you try to swap weapons it makes them shoot once. This is annoying issue with the Game.


One user reported

“ I jumped off temple in slow-mo and used jet pack. Was stuck in air would not fall lol. ”

Starfield stuck In slow Time Bug

How to fix Starfield stuck In slow motion  ?

Fix : Toggle hotkeys

To come out from the slow time if you have two weapons bound to hotkeys you can spam both of them back and forth to force time forwards a few frames until the power ends, it may take at least 50 -60 tries.

Fix : jump and aim (ADS)

To cancel this slow time glitch you will need the last ability of jetpack that slow down time too, to do that simply jump and aim, when you stop aiming the gun the time will be normal. 

Fix : sleep or sit in the Game

Other way to get rid of slow time bug in Starfield simply try to sleep or sit in the Game and after that try to close and reopen the game and  the glitch should go away.

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