Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Trading view which is one of the biggest analysis tool for Stock market traders. Recently many Trading view users are facing issue that the TradingView app is not loading charts on iPhone and Android phone. TradingView Charts keep scrolling away on desktop and Web.
The issue is not limited to the phones only but also the TradingView chart widget not loading on desktop Chrome, Safari and Brave Browsers. One users reported:
“For the last 3 days, I’ve been struggling to open tradingview on my laptop. It’s just loading and the chart doesn’t pop up I tried opening on the browser and it didn’t work either, tried removing the desktop app and reinstalled, but still didn’t work”
If you are also facing issue with TradingView Charts not loading then in this article we have listed some possible way to fix it.
If TradingView charts are not loading on your device then there could be many reason linked to this :
Common reasons Trading View App Not Working:
One of the major reason on Why Ticket To Ride App Not Working problem, is due to server outage. The server outage could be due to various reason. So if the Server is not working or server is down, the mobile app will not work or load properly. You can get this information from the official page of the Ticket To Ride . If the server is not working then you should wait for few hours and the issue will be rectified by the technical team of app developers.
If Trading view Chart is not displaying on your phone then to fix that clear your phone cache and data Go to device settings -> Select the Trading View app -> Clear the cache -> If this does not help, clear the app data as well. On the web version try clearing your browser cache and data. Go to Browser(Chrome/safari) setting-> Clear cache & Data.
The TradingView not loading charts could be due to issue in your Network. Such issue gets auto resolved and you should wait for sometime. Meanwhile you can also try to load website with better WiFi Connection.
If you are using any VPN software/apps on your phone then this could be issue and can cause TradingView App Not Working properly. VPN changes the IP address frequently. Hence the website may block or suspend your Doublelist account for suspicious activity. Try disabling the VPN first and check of this fixes the issue.
If after trying all the above steps, if still TradingView Charts is not loading then you should try restarting your phone/PC or hard rebooting it. As the hard reboot will fix software glitches installed in your phone.