How to fix iPhone 13 Pro Call Audio Stutter/ Breaking up?


Many iPhone 13 Pro Max users are facing issue during call that the iPhone call will keeps breaking up the user voice. In the call iPhone 13 user can hear properly and it is just that iPhone 13 user voice will break stutter    and other caller can not hear.


In many cases call audio cuts  in iPhone  could be related to noise cancellation feature of iPhone.  There is a mic on the back of the phone near the camera; please ensure that it is not covered when you are on a call, either with your hand, a case not designed for the phone, or the flap of a folio case that has been folded back.


But in the iPhone 13 , Apple have now omitted the Noise cancellation feature from all its iPhone.

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Fix : Toggle 5G Setting

Most common reason why iPhone 13 call quality is low and breaking up the voice, could be due to network issue. Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Voice & Data . Here toggle to different network option like 4G/LTE/5G etc and check if this fixes the issue for you.


Fix : Check iPhone Case

For many users a faulty case on the iPhone 13 can really block your voice and thus other caller may not be able to hear you proerply. The case is probably covering the noise suppression mic on the back of the phone. Try calling someone without any case put on the iPhone.

Fix : Speaker issue

If you are using speaker to answer calls then the issue could be linked to iPhone speaker issue. Make sure to turn off the speaker during a call and check the quality now. For some reason/bug the speaker call in iPhone seems to be buggy.

Fix : Turn Off Noise cancellation

If you are using older iPhone 12 Pro max, iPhone 11 etc then Noise cancellation feature can really play with your iPhone call qualities. You should try turning off noise cancellation in Settings/Accessibility – Audio & Visual. After this check on a phone call if it improves the audio quality.           

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