How to fix Can’t sign in to Udemy using Google/Gmail Account ?


Many users are facing issue while logging on Udemy from their Google Account. The Sign in on Udemy failed  gave an error: Sorry. We’re having trouble reaching our servers. 

Users are able to login using mobile app but not using Safari on Macbook. The Udemy login does not work all the time and user are stuck at login page with error “ Sorry , trouble reaching our servers” . If you are also not able to login to using udemy account using your gmail account, then please try below solution.

How to fix Can't sign in to Udemy using Google/Gmail Account ?

How to fix Unable to login in Udemy using Google Account? : iPhone/ MAC/ PC, Windows ?

Fix : Turn off VPN

One common reason for Google account not working is use of VPN software . Please turn off VPN and check it is solves the issue. 

Fix : Turn off Extensions

Third party apps like ad blocked may mess up with Browsers settings. Please try turning off Extensions one by one and check if any of those are blocking udemy login.


Fix : Try Incognito mode

Most of the users who are not able login to Udemy using Google account , are able to login using Browsers in Incongnito mode. Please try this and let us know in comments section if it helps you. 

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