Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Many Onlyfans creator and users are facing issue with messaging not working in Onlyfans. The issue is Onlyfans is not able to send direct messages. Even the Auto message is not working. The issue started randomly and there are no messages in the Inbox.
The issue is faced for both free and paid pages when a message from a subscriber in response to the auto “thanks for subscribing” type of message, and when you try to reply then in the chat box it shows “Chat is Unavailable”
Due to this issue Auto message is not working and for every new member, there is no way to greet automatically. Also while trying to send out a mass message in Onlyfans but it won’t let past selecting fans and says “Chat unavailable”. There is no option to send mass messages.
if you’re not able to reply to your subscriber on the webpage then the possible reason is the user have blocked you. Also, the issue could be related to the Onlyfans setting for the creator like it may have something to do with the “only chat when tipped” setting, cause the chat works when it is set to “everybody can chat with me”.
The other reason why you are seeing chat unavailable is due to other user have blocked you or their account have been suspended to policy violation.
Make sure to check your auto message settings. there’s an option to hide outgoing mass messages. if it’s turned on that’s why you can’t see it. hope this helps
Sometimes after new changes in the website, some browser may not be able to support the new feature and cause such issue. Please try using different browsers like Brave, Firefox etc .
The OnlyFans message not working can be due to an issue in the website or server side issue. The message issue was reported in past as well and after a day or two the issue seems to fix itself. So please wait for some time and check if the issue fixes automatically.