Important Blood Relations Reasoning Questions, Tips for Competitive Exams



There are six persons A. B, C, D, E and F. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of E’s husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group. Who is the mother ?

A) AB) B
C) CD) E

D) E


D is father of A and grandfather of F. So, A is father of F. 

Thus. D and A are the two fathers. C is the sister of F So. C is the daughter of A. 

Since there is only one mother, it is evident that E is the wife of A and hence the mother of C and F. 

So, B is brother of A There are three brothers. So. F is the brother of C. 

 Clearly, A is E’s Husband.

Q: Rahul told Anand, ‘Yesterday I defeated the only brother of the daughter of my grandmother.’ Whom did Rahul defeat 

A) SonB) Father
C) BrotherD)

B) Father


Daughter of grandmother — Aunt: Aunt’s only brother — Father. 



In a family, there are six members A, B, C, D, E and F. 

A and B are a married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died. 

How many male members are there in the family ? 

A) 1B) 2
C) 3D) 4

C) 3


A is a male and married to B. So, A is the husband and B is the wife. C is the brother of A. D is the son of C. E, who is the sister of D will be the daughter of C. B is the daughter-in-law of F whose husband has died means F is the mother of A. 

A is a male. B. the wife, is female. C. the brother, is male. D. the son, is male. E, the sister, is female. F, the mother, is a female. So, there are three males. 


X introduces Y saying, “He is the husband of the granddaughter of the father of my father “. How is Y related to X?

A) BrotherB) Brother-in-law
C) SonD) Son-in-law


X introduces Y saying, “He is the husband of the granddaughter of the father of my father “. How is Y related to X?

A) BrotherB) Brother-in-law
C) SonD) Son-in-law

B) Brother-in-law


Father’s father —->Grandfather;  Grandfather’s granddaughter —–> Sister; Sister’s husband —->Brother-in-law. So, Y is X’s Brother-in-law.

If ‘A $ B’ means ‘A is brother of B’, ‘A @ B’means ‘A is wife of B’, ‘A # B’ means ‘A is daughter of B’ and ‘A & B’means ‘A is father of B’, then which of the following expressions indicates the relationship ‘K’ is father-in-law of H’? 

A) H @ J $ L # P & KB) H @ J $ P & L # K
C) H @ J $ L # K & PD) H @ P $ J & L # K

C) H @ J $ L # K & P


K is the father-in-law of H means H is the wife of the brother (say, J) of the daughter (say, L) of K and K is a male (brother or father of some person, say P) i.e H @ J $ L # K $ P or H @ J $ L # K & P.


Pointing to a lady, a man said, “The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife.” How is the lady related to the man ? 

A) Mother’s sisterB) Grandmother
C) Mother-in-lawD) Sister of father-in-law

D) Sister of father-in-law


Brother of my wife — My; Son of lady’s brother is the brother-in-law of the man. 

So lady’s brother is man’s father-in-law

i.e., the lady is the sister of man’s father-in-law. 

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